Disko (acronym for Diskurs-Kontinuum) was a publication series of 0093 a42.org, the master’s program in architecture and urban research directed by Arno Brandlhuber at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg. The aim of this series was to communicate the research and debates taking place within the study program to the outside world. Disko appeared between 2006 and 2013 in packages of three to six issues, each of which was produced in an economical DIN A5 format.
Download Disko 26: Verena Hartbaum, “Der Walter-Benjamin-Platz—Materialien zur Decodierung”
“…the beauty of the confrontation between Walter-Benjamin-Platz and Walter Benjamin, which personally did not take place, is that one can make hypothetical assertions, which often shed a harsh light on the fatal architectural history of the past century.”
Hans Kollhoff